Zhu zhu hamster pets unsafe ?

zhu zhu pets unsafe
Depent on zhuzhupets.com Zhu zhu pets is the best alternatives to real live hamsters, Zhu Zhu Petshamsters don’t poop, die, or stink, but they are still a riot of motion and sound. Darting around in their hamster tubes, busily scurrying from room to room, you never know where they’ll go next!.

But, you think Zhu zhu hamster pets unsafe ?

According to the Agency for Toxic Substances, antimony is a metal found in the earth’s crust that is mined and mixed with other metals to form alloys for use in batteries, sheet metal, pewter, and other items. It isn’t mined much in the U.S., but is brought in from other countries. When antimony is mixed with oxygen, it forms Antimony oxide, which is used in textiles and plastics to prevent them from catching fire. I’m guessing this is what it’s used for in Zhu Zhu pets.

zhu zhu pets unsafe

zhu zhu pets unsafe

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